16 July 2011

Facts About Aries – The Cusps

In astrology, we define the “cusps” as a border between two astrological star signs. Hence, Persons born "on the line" between two Zodiac Signs partake of qualities found in both Signs or, more strictly speaking, have a blend of traits that may compose an individual nature.

Due to variations in astrological calendars, this may became apparent during the last few days of a departing Sign, but the "cusp" (as it is termed) pertains chiefly to the first week of the incoming Sign.

While the new Sign is gaining its ascendancy, the influences of the old will persist but gradually loses its hold day-by-day until, by the seventh day; the new Sign is in complete control.

Here are two notable Cusps associated to Aries:

• Pisces – Aries Cusps

• Aries – Taurus Cusps

Let’s briefly look at each of the cusps associated to Aries:

Pisces – Aries Cusps
March 20 to March 27

This is a most favorable and desirable cusp, indicative of a union between intelligence and understanding. In essence, these cuspians are likely to possess strong mental powers coupled with the priceless gift of comprehension. The chief characteristics of this blend are vigilance and caution...each step carefully weighed prior to being taken.

The power of intuition inherent in these natives is truly quite remarkable and they rarely go amiss when they rely upon their own judgment as formulated by their intuition. There is an extremely keen and valuable foresight here in all matters of a financial nature and these subjects will work out in advance the most brilliant of schemes and projects which are then executed with total success.

Notable Pisces/Aries Cuspians Include:

Wyatt Earp; Glenn Close; Spike Lee; Johann Sebastian Bach; Fanny Farmer; William Shatner; Chaka Khan; Steve McQueen; and Joan Crawford

Aries – Taurus Cusps
April 19 to April 26

Individuals born on the cusp of Aries (the first Sign of the Zodiac) and Taurus (the second Sign of the Zodiac) are ruled by both Mars and Venus. Intrinsic in this combination is the aesthetic romantic love typified by the Planet Venus and the passionate, action-orientation afforded by the Planet Mars.

Such natives must feel deeply the focal point of their life and pursue it boldly. This cusp complements actors, actresses, fashion designers and dancers, who feel that the beauty and drama of life springs forth from the deepest urges of creation.

Notable Aries/Taurus Cuspians Include:

Catherine the Great; Vladimir Lenin; William Shakespeare; Catherine de Medici; and Barbara Streisand

See: Aries Cusp main page

Also look at:

Personalities of Aries Taurus Cusp

Aries Taurus Cusp Love Relationship

Pisces Aries Cusp

12 July 2011

Facts About Young Aries Female

Young Aries female will be full of verve and something of a live wire. With an abundance of energy to burn, she tends to attract many admirers. There is a fiercely independent streak here and any girl governed by this Sign will chart her own course.

It would not be unusual to find the Aries girl adopting a leadership role at school and, since this Zodiac Sign rules the head and face, she will always be extremely particular about her make-up.

Aries girls can be rather selfish at times and will probably balk at exchanging clothes with a younger sister. There could be some major sibling feuds here and it may be necessary for the parents to intervene on occasion.

This is a hyperactive youngster...forever rushing from one activity to the next...and given this girl's energy, she is likely to be actively involved in sports, usually of the physically demanding type.

Aries girls are self-sufficient and pursue what they want with much willpower and determination. This girl will "think big" and is likely to attend academic institutions which are the most beneficial on a personal level. In short, this is an achiever who is definitely "going places."

Qualities to Encourage in young Aries Female

Confidence –
Assertiveness –
Courage –
Pioneering Spirit

Qualities to Discourage in young Aries Female

Selfishness –
Impatience –
Quick Temper –
Impulsive Behavior

10 July 2011

Here Are Personality Traits of an Aries Child

Notable personality traits of an Aries child are its restless and inquisitive nature. I mean….the Aries child is seldom content with any one thing for a great length of time. This little one is high-strung and will expend much energy in trying to accomplish too many things at the same time.

Here are factors that affect the personality traits of an Aries child:

Influence of Mars on personality traits of an Aries child

The Ruling Planet of Mars does not make it easy for the children of Aries to sit still, since they possess an abundance of physical and emotional energy, and can be very impatient when waiting for an answer to their needs.

Given that Mars is the God of Action, as well as being associated with energy, muscle and aggression, the little ones governed by this Planet like to compete and are usually good at all forms of sports activities. Indeed, they require physical outlets in order to burn off their high energy level.

Influence of Zodiac Element “FIRE” on personality traits of an Aries child

Aries is one of the three Fire Signs (together with Leo and Sagittarius), any child governed by this element will need to learn patience above all else. Second in importance will be to learn respect for the rights and feelings of others. Last (but certainly not least), children of Fire should be afforded every opportunity to work off excess energy...play, sports and dancing are all excellent avenues.

Talk works much better than punishment with Fire children. In fact, too much punishment can easily result in a rebellious and "wild child." The gift of an Aries child is the ability to be an inspiration to others.


It is important that the plans of this little one not be interfered with, since such interference will often cause him or her to lose all interest in the task at hand.
He or she should be left alone to work out things out in his or her own way...and, by so doing, develop individuality.

Qualities to Encourage

Confidence - Assertiveness - Courage - Pioneering Spirit

Qualities to Discourage

Selfishness - Impatience - Quick Temper - Impulsive Behavior

See more on:

Young Aries Female

Aries Traits

Aries as a boyfriend

Aries Children Astrology

Aries Personalities

06 July 2011

Positive and Negative Aspects of Aries Woman and Leo Man Union

Aries woman and Leo man are two partners who have genuine admiration and respect for each other, but they need to learn how to take turns in issuing commands and delivering orders. Here are positive and negative aspects of this relationship:

Positive aspects of Aries woman and Leo man union
  • Despite their sometimes noisy differences, Aries woman often looks to Leo man as a guide or counselor and any divergences between this pair can be overcome. Both Aries and Leo are normally respected by others and it will be vital that such respect also exist within the confines of this relationship.
  • Here, there are many similarities in the romantic arena, which can be one of the most important things that will keep this pair true to commitments. Between the two of them, if at least one loves and tactful with the other...meeting emotional needs...then this could be a happy union of some longevity.
  • There is a mutual admiration here and with Aries as the initiator and Leo as the one who follows through, each has an integral niche within the partnership
  • The romantic interludes will be magnificent with little if any infidelity since each finds in the other what he or she needs. Leo natives like aggressive tendencies in others and aggression is part and parcel of the Aries character. Thus, this is something of an ideal union.
Negative aspects of Aries woman and Leo man union
  • Natives of both Signs can be impatient and proud. Leo man love to be adored and relish having his ego stroked. These are services that the easily-bored Aries woman may not always want to provide. Moreover, the Aries partner may be bothered by the flirtatious nature of Leo. Nonetheless, this relationship will never be anything less than exciting.
  • Leo man's requirement for incessant flattery may meet with disapproval and resentment, since Aries woman tends to believe that "once said" should be sufficient for anybody.
  • Aries woman may occasionally damage the feelings of Leo man by saying something hurtful without thinking. Conversely, she may become irritated by his bossy nature and the tendency to sulk.
Still, this will be a loyal pair who cares deeply for each other and when they reach an understanding that there does not always have to be a boss, this can be a blissful and exciting union. In essence, Aries man and Leo man combination can be a great match.

Visit: Aries Woman Leo Man main web page

See more on:

Leo and Aries Relationship

Aries compatibility with other Zodiac Signs

04 July 2011

Things You Need To Know About Libra Man Aries Woman Union

Here are basic things you need to know about Libra man Aries woman relationship:

Physical Attraction

There is much physical attraction here...common to all Zodiac Signs that are opposite in polarity. Both possesses energies that are liable to tangle or knot if understandings cannot be reached.

Basic Characters

Both partners will want to be in charge, but Aries woman is liable to use force and, on occasion, intimidation to get what she desires, whereas Libra man will employ charm and, on occasion, manipulation. Thus, compromise is essential to the health of this union.

Common Interest

Aries woman can have a very positive effect upon Libra man's growth, ideas and progress. In addition, Aries woman will help Libra man put his ideas into action. The Aries partner will appear to be the leader because of her energy and forceful nature, but it is Libra who will lead from an intellectual standpoint.

Common Conflicts

Actually, Libra man Aries woman relationship is amazing when good and extremely challenging when bad. The impetuous and fast-paced approach to projects employed by Aries may conflict with Libra's more balanced and intellectual approach.

Each partner here has much initiative, but is sadly lacking in follow-through abilities. They will tend to start things they are never going to finish...be it a job, project or relationship. Working as a team may present challenges on occasion courtesy of the polarity of these two Signs.

Working proposition

The charming and cultured Libra man can teach the brash Aries woman something about style. Libra man prizes harmony in a relationship and will go to great lengths in order to maintain tranquility. In return, Aries woman will be very decisive and can teach the wavering Libra man how to rely on intuition for answers.


Libra man and Aries woman is capable of bringing to the relationship what the other is missing and can make for a truly magnificent balance.

Also see:

Aries Man and Libra Woman Union

Libra and Aries Jealous Traits

Are Aries and Libra Compatible

Do Aries and Libra get along

01 July 2011

Facts about Taurus Man and Aries Woman Relationships

If you look at Taurus man and Aries woman union, you may easily conclude it is a winning combination. The fact is; this will be a passionate relationship...impulsive and deliberate.

Essentially, Taurus man is sensual, patient and gentle and Aries woman will be attracted to these qualities, perceiving the Taurus man as possessing that quality she desire in the extreme...knowing when and how to seize life's opportunities.

Taurus man will appreciate the outward nature of Aries woman and Aries woman will appreciate the earthy nature of Taurus. However, what each appreciates about the other may come to be what is most disliked with the passage of time.

Here are various factors in Taurus man and Aries woman relationship:

  • Aries woman provides excitement to this relationship whereas Taurus man brings security and romance.
  • Taurus man can help Aries woman to rein in some of the more foolish and impractical impulses, while Aries woman will aid Taurus man in being more spontaneous and adventurous. The contrasting personalities and ability to learn from one another can make this a mutually giving and satisfying union.
  • Aries woman may occasionally toy with her Taurus man...playing off the notorious Taurus laziness or trying to push him into making hasty decisions...but the Taurus man can usually convince Aries woman to slow things down a little.
  • Taurus man can be possessive, which the independent Aries woman will not tolerate. If Aries can assure Taurus that the relationship is strong and that he or she does not intend to go anywhere, then the Taurus partner can be flexible and tolerant of that all important Aries independence.


The romance will undoubtedly be dynamic, but there may not be much hope for anything more. Compromise will be essential since both Taurus man and Aries woman will want to be the leader.

Under certain circumstances, this union could be a mutually giving relationship since each partner has much to learn from the other. Excitement could help to stimulate this combination and add to its longevity.

Also see:

Compatibility for Taurus and Aries

Aries compatibility with other Zodiac Signs

28 June 2011

All about Aries Woman Relationships

Aries woman relationships are such that have the ability to control any emotion should she choose to do so. 

However, she is by nature exceedingly stubborn, irritable and impatient when placed under any form of restraint. 

Often deeply involved in her personal career, the Aries woman is nonetheless extremely capable of managing a career, home and family with simultaneous success.

Having said that, let’s look at Aries woman relationships with the 12 zodiac signs:

                           Aries woman relationships with fellow Aries

There will be a great deal of attraction between Aries woman and Aries man, but it is usually of a physical nature and intensely sexual. Unfortunately, this wild type of intensity is often short-lived and prone to rapid burn-out. Inclined to impulsive behavior, both of these individuals can be very selfish and this may carry over into the romantic arena.

There is a mutual lack of understanding coupled with ego problems that can result in a void emanating between them. Both individuals here possess a domineering nature. In order for Aries woman relationships with fellow Aries to achieve longevity, it will be necessary for each to make great sacrifices.

                                 Aries woman relationships with Taurus

Initially, Aries woman relationships with Taurus appear to be an excellent match. However, a long lasting relationship is probably not very likely. The calm and logical Taurus partner will soon drive the more active and fun-seeking Aries partner out of his or her mind.

The Taurus native does possess many good points and can bring much to a relationship...but probably not with Aries, who can be fickle if the Taurus nature causes him to feel confined or stifled.

                                  Aries woman relationships with Gemini

Aries woman will initially be attracted to the good-looking and socially amusing Gemini native, but the Aries woman desire to dominate will quickly rouse the rebellious tendencies of those governed by Gemini...tendencies that are always lurking just beneath the surface at the best of times.

For Aries woman relationships with Gemini to last, the Aries woman needs to have developed (or is willing to develop) a keen sense of justice and patience...neither of which come easily to this Sign. Those governed by Gemini can be exalted one minute and in the depths of depression the next, which behavior will usually leave the Aries partner in a state of total confusion.

                             Aries woman relationships with Cancer

The quiet outer facade of a Cancer native was most likely the chief attraction for Aries woman, since this individual is a go-getter and likes to have a tranquil place to recover in peace.

Aries woman may experience some trouble in trying to break through the protective shell of a Cancer native. Those governed by Cancer tend to hide their feelings inside and may project to the world at large a somewhat false image of being thicker-skinned than they truly are.

Eventually, if the Aries individual does manage to penetrate the outer shell, then he or she will find an extremely sensitive person with feelings that are easily damaged.

                             Aries woman relationships with Leo

The attractions between these two could be passionate, fiery and instantaneous. However, the need of a Leo native to be treated as the greater light in the household, coupled with need for constant attention, could cause much strife with the Aries woman.

Here, there are many similarities in the romantic arena, which can be one of the most important things that will keep Aries woman relationship with Leo true to commitments. Between the two of them, if at least one loves and tactful with the other...meeting emotional needs...then this could be a happy union of some longevity.

                                   Aries woman relationships with Virgo

The Virgo native is a thinking individual who lives more cerebrally than physically. The Aries woman is an action packed go-getter who dislikes spending too much time standing in the same place...after all; there are worlds to be conquered.

The bossy Aries woman is not likely to take Virgo's criticisms kindly, even if they are well intended. Indeed, any form of criticism is prone to undermine the Aries woman sense of discovery and throw her into depression.

Aries woman relationships with Virgo could succeed, but only if much effort is employed by both individuals.

                               Aries woman relationships with Libra

The attraction between Aries woman and Libra is common, but not one that is necessarily long lasting. These are two very different characters with widely varying personalities. The Aries woman is a firm believer in equality of the sexes and equality in the romantic arena.

Initially, Aries woman will be amused at Libra's attempt to dominate the relationship, but when Aries woman comes to the realization that her Libra partner is deadly serious about this, conflict is sure to arise.

Aries woman relationship with Libra is likely to be a shaky partnership at best.

                              Aries woman relationships with Scorpion

This is quite likely the most difficult pairing of the Zodiac in terms of achieving harmony. The ability of Aries woman to give way to others will be severely put to the test by the inherent Scorpio trait to assume control of every situation.

Scorpio subjects have certain ideals which their partners are expected to live up to. Any failure on the part of the Aries woman to meet these ideals will cause Scorpio to push her totally out of the mind and heart.

In essence, Scorpio is jealous, overly-demanding and expects total possession. The dominating nature of Aries woman will never stand for being dominated. In short, this is not a promising union.

                             Aries woman relationships with Sagittarius

Both Aries and Sagittarius are energetic Signs that share a love of the outdoors, physical activity and doing a variety of things together. For this reason, there will probably be instance attraction that could achieve longevity...although the Aries woman may doubt the ability of Sagittarius to make a success of any long term commitment.

Regardless of age, those governed by Sagittarius are apt to gamble with life and relationships, which could keep any Aries woman in an irate mood most of the time.

                                Aries woman relationships with Capricorn

Given that Capricorn is independent by nature and possesses an ambitious frame of mind very similar to that of Aries, it is possible that an Aries woman...if in a rare practical mood...may well be caught up in something of a romantic rush over a Capricorn individual.

Eventually, Aries woman will grow jealous of the time the Capricorn partner devotes to other areas of life, since those ruled by Aries believe there is far more to living than constant involvement with work or club meetings, etc,. Aries woman is not one to stifle such feelings or be timid about giving them voice.

                                Aries woman relationships with Aquarius
The exceptionally independent Aquarius soul refuses to be restrained from anything and will never quite allow the Aries woman to share in his private thoughts...and sometimes only barely into his private life. Aries woman will perceive this as being secretive rather than independently private.

Aquarius partner may not be a sexually active as Aries woman would like and eventually, Aries woman may consider this to be selfish behavior. Basically, this is probably not a wise match for either side.

                              Aries woman relationships with Pisces

Any relationship between Aries woman and Pisces could prove to be complex. A Pisces native who is tired or disillusioned will need the strength and comforting ability of Aries woman but, just when Aries woman becomes accustomed to such dependence, Pisces will pull an about face and suddenly become independent and free-spirited...albeit for only a short period of time.

In a romantic sense, Pisces is sensitive and sexually adaptable, but totally unable to accept criticism in this area. Generally, both find romantic interludes to be fun times and the Pisces partner will be perfectly content to allow Aries woman to take the lead in this relationship.


Basically, it is perhaps jealousy which is the major stumbling block in terms of the Aries woman's relationships. It is the one which has probably brought her more heartaches and unhappiness than any faults she might possess.

In essence quite charming, if Aries woman could only realize the damage she can cause courtesy of her jealous streak, she would surely learn self-control...indeed, if this cannot be learned, she is unlikely to find any peace, happiness or tranquility in relationships. 

Also see:

All about Aries Woman

Character of an Aries Woman

Dating an Aries Woman

Aries Woman Love

24 June 2011

See How To Attract an Aries Woman

How to attract an Aries woman is by being bold and courageous. Actually, Aries woman is usually attracted to a mate who behaves in a dominant and forceful manner. Indeed, any show of insecurity is a definite "turn-off" for the Aries woman. She is attracted to meet new and interesting people.

Here are various things you need to know about how to attract an Aries woman:
  • You should be romantic and generous

  • Make sure you follow the fashion of the day. Most importantly, dress with taste.

  • Send right signals to show that you are available while staying little aloof.

  • Display much affection towards her.

  • When in her company, come up with something exiting and new.

  • Achieve as much prestige in life as is possible.

Basically Aries woman doesn’t like to get bored, so to get and keep her attention you must be an out-going type. Usually, an Aries woman is much attracted to experience an active and exciting time in her partner's company and will be happy to meet any challenges along the way.

Remember, Aries woman is an action packed go-getter who dislikes spending too much time standing in the same place...after all; there are worlds to be conquered. If you can develop hobbies and habits similar to your ideal Aries woman, you will definitely attract her.

See more on:

Aries Woman Love

Dating an Aries Woman

Aries Woman Relationship

20 June 2011

Here are Tips about Dating an Aries Woman

Dating an Aries woman, you will find out she will only be happy with a mate who makes her proud. A steady hand must be exerted over her shortcomings, but only in private...authority must never be exhibited to the outside world.

 This is a masterful woman who will be too much of a whirlwind in the home for any soul who is basically quiet and passive.

Here are various things you need to know about dating an Aries woman:

  • Blessed with an abundance of willpower, Aries woman has the ability to control any emotion should she choose to do so. She is by nature exceedingly stubborn, irritable and impatient when placed under any form of restraint.
  • This is an elegant woman with good taste, which shows in her fashion sense. Often deeply involved in her personal career; Aries woman is nonetheless extremely capable of managing a career, home and family with simultaneous success.
  • She possesses a brilliant and independent mind, coupled with vigorous energy. She is usually a clever conversationalist, good at entertaining and appreciates the chance to help her partner rise in the world. Often, this female manages quite successfully to maintain her own career alongside any long term relationship.
  • Aries woman is capable of much generosity and can easily become loud, self-opinionated and rather shrewish. However, it is perhaps jealousy which is the major stumbling block in her relationships. It is the one which has probably brought her more heartaches and unhappiness than any faults she might possess.
Perhaps the worst faults of an Aries woman are jealousy and the wish for a competitive social life. However, if she is dating the right mate, then she will be totally fulfilled and remain faithful for life.

For a relationship to last, it will be necessary for any mate to verbally appreciate every effort this woman makes to aid in her partner's success and to compliment her.

See: Dating an Aries Woman main page

Here are other aspects of Aries woman:

Type of person Aries woman like

Aries Woman Relationships

How to Attract Aries Woman

Dating an Aries Woman

Aries Woman Love

18 June 2011

See All about Aries Woman Love

Aries woman does not simply meet and fall in love…..she tends to explode into the life of the other. Actually, Aries woman adore to sweep new love interest off her feet….and will continue to do so throughout the relationship.

Off cause…..she is able to do everything for herself, making it difficult for her to find the strong partner she needs for romance.

Romantic Style:
  • Sensual
  • Physical
  • Lustful
  • Prone To Roughness
  • Often Selfish
You should note; Aries woman is nonetheless a romantic soul who will demand romance on a daily basis throughout her entire life, and it must be remembered that to this woman, romance is not simply the sexual act...it is also the accompanying jewelry and flowers.

Here are various points worth mentioning about Aries woman love:

• Beneath all the Aries woman bravado and show actually lurks a somewhat innocent woman who simply wants to explore the wonderful world and be appreciated.

• There is a tendency here toward jealousy and possessiveness, but a potential partner will need to avoid showing the same qualities since any form of clinging is sure to drive the Aries woman in search of fresh pastures.

. It will be vital that any partner not make the mistake of forgetting Aries woman's birthday or any important anniversary date since to do so will most certainly result in a trip to the doghouse. Perhaps the answer here would be to buy an expensive piece of jewelry and then hide it away, just in case.

• It will also be necessary for any mate to try and condition this woman against possible extravagances, but this must be done by appealing to her reason and better instincts rather than by force.

Also see the following:

Dating an Aries Woman

How to Attract an Aries Woman

Aries Woman Relationships

14 June 2011

See The Bad Side of Aries

At their worst, Aries natives can be domineering, quick-tempered, willful, arrogant, self-centered and intolerant.

Here is other notable bad side of Aries individuals:

  • Aries natives make for awkward subordinates and are poor followers, frequently unwilling to obey or submit to directions for which they can see no reason, or with which they disagree.
  • They are quick-witted but sometimes foolhardy and over-optimistic, lacking thoroughness and the ability to evaluate difficulties regarding the undertakings into which they often rush impulsively.
  • An impatience for riches often leads Aries subjects into schemes which are unsound or fraudulent. Those who are successful are usually the ones who have managed to control their rashness and have the patience to take their time in order to do things
  • They are often more ostentatious than their budgets will allow and tend to fritter away money that they can ill afford to lose. properly.
  • Although the Aries generosity can, in many ways, be overwhelming, the general attitude is not one of tolerance.
  • Though quick and clever, the impulsive character of Aries subjects (and the inability to be tactful in a subtle manner) might lead to them verbally express more than was intended on occasion.
Visit: Negative Side Of Aries main webpage

12 June 2011

See Aries Lucky Number

Aries lucky number is nine. It is a number which Aries shares with those individuals born under the Sign of Scorpio. Nine has connections with Mars, the ruling planet of Aries and former ruling planet of Scorpio (which is now governed by Pluto).

Nine is one of the three mystical numbers (the others being three and five), representing society and completion as well as symbolizing mankind, philanthropy, charity, social issues and government.

Here are other mystical qualities of Aries lucky number nine:
  • Nine is representative of universal love, giving and the brotherhood of man, as well as neighborhood, clubs, organizations, institutions and the common good. It is the completion of a cycle, symbolic of change and reform...the end prior to a new beginning.
  • Nine is a number which is unbounded...the most Holy number, being the ultimate number which contains the forces of all other numbers. It lends itself to creative living and intuition.
  • Being eternal within its self; nine leads back to the solitary root forces...the number one. It is the highest single digit and most interesting figure in numerology.
  • It is the number of the circumference, represented by the two triangles which are a symbol of male-fire-mountain and female-water-cave principles.
  • The Hebrews referred to the number nine as representing immutable truth and the Ennead (or nine-pointed star) is an ancient and sacred symbol, comprising three trinities. Nine is also the number of the mythic Lords of Time and represented the original Mayan galactic masters, thus being the magic number of the Maya civilization.
  • There are also Nine Orders of Angels, Nine Rivers of Hell, Nine Gifts of the Spirit and Nine Points of the Law, as well as being the number of known astronomical planets. In the "I Ching," nine is the number of Yang. This number represents all things earthly and nocturnal.
The fact is; nine is masculine in nature, and when associated with Aries, resides in the First House of Self, governing outward behavior and self-interests. Nine is selflessness and compassion, encompassing a love for all.

Also look at:

Aries Career and Finances

Bad side of Aries

Symbols of Aries

Aries Sexual Horoscope

10 June 2011

Typical Aries Career and Finances

Typical Aries subject will probably be far from comfortable in a subordinate role. However, this does not usually present a problem since those ruled by this Sign possess an inherent belief in themselves that could be described as "cocksure."

There is a constant need here for new challenges to present themselves at a fast and furious pace. If such are not forthcoming, then Aries individuals will probably go in search of a new career.

Retirement rarely figures in the working life of these subjects and they will stay in the game forever, changing the rules along the way in order to keep it interesting.


Aries natives are often attracted to literary pursuits and from the ranks of this Sign have come many eminent and descriptive poets, novelists and essayists, as well as teachers, public speakers and actors.

Given the inherent sense of justice and equity which counteracts all personal prejudices, these natives also make for excellent lawyers and judges, delivering arguments which carry much weight, being logical, sound and to the point.

Naturally gifted with a liberal amount of talent in the fields of architecture and invention, typical Aries subjects are also lovers of science, art and music. These are self-assertive individuals with excellent communication skills and keen foresight.

Commercial Practices

In the world of business, typical Aries natives normally demonstrate much initiative and are at their most successful when placed at the head of an undertaking.

Indeed, all independent activities which require action, initiative and authority would be considered favorable. However, the best profession for those governed by Aries is probably in the role of entrepreneur.

The Aries nature is generally too enterprising for mechanical pursuits and these individuals are unlikely to succeed in any field which calls for attention to detail. Not willing to submit to the dictation of others, Aries natives can at times be aggressive and arbitrary when dealing with those under them.

As Employees

As employees, typical Aries individuals are more likely than any other workers to accept additional assignments without complaint. They are prepared to labor until the wee hours for an exciting project but are unable to maintain a tight and uniform schedule regardless of standard office procedure.

Progressive souls, Aries natives soon demonstrate their ability to accomplish good work and thus, usually meet with rapid promotion.

Willing to take orders from very few people, those governed by Aries do not believe in universal superiority. These are persons who excel in the acquisition of new accounts as well as being adept in saving clients who may otherwise have been hopelessly lost to the company.

Aries natives are also known to initiate the largest and most ambitious schemes, particularly if the Aries subject in question believes he or she is being relied upon to come through.


Gutsy and spirited, those ruled by Aries are the "go-getters" of the Zodiac. These natives are usually monetarily successful, given their tremendous willpower and the ability to set goals.

However, the problem associated with such success is invariably accompanied by a feeling of obligation to assist those less fortunate. This can occasionally be carried to extremes, much to the chagrin of life partners, family and close friends.

In short, the Aries native is something of a "soft touch" when it comes to lending money. Possessed with much cunning and a shrewd mind, these individuals customarily fare well with their finances, assuming they can resist the temptation to make rash investment decisions without expert advice.

There is a talent here for money-making to a large degree, although there is also a decided lack of any ability to save a great amount of it. Being lovers of the limelight (coupled with the natural desire to be in the thick of things) may occasionally lead to Aries natives finding themselves in a tight financial bind...but they customarily manage to "wriggle out" of the situation.

Very often, money is regarded as nothing more than a source of inspiration...the currency which will enable an Aries individual to get what he or she wants. Not keen on the idea of a nest-egg, these natives consider security somewhat frivolous and tend to live for the moment.

In short, they do not believe in "saving for a rainy day," cherishing personal freedom and flexibility while refusing to worry over figures.

They can also be found somewhat lacking when it comes to prompt repayment of loans but, on the other hand, will never hesitate to lend their last dollar. Aries subjects are seekers of fame but not fortune.

While such individuals may "hit it big" and "make a bundle," it is more likely that any wealth attained will be as a result of the incredible will to succeed rather than any desire to get rich.

In essence, typical Aries subjects being both venturesome and ambitious should associate themselves with those of a more conservative temperament who, while appreciating these natural Aries qualities, would restrain the impulsive tendency to leap before investigating.

Also look at:

Aries Lucky Number

Bad side of Aries

Aries Profile

Aries Traits

06 June 2011

Look at Distinct Aries Traits

About Aries Traits, we will look at those qualities that distinguish an Arian. The fact is; these are friendly creatures with a forceful manner and an instant smile. The average Arians are naturally humorous and quick of wit……fond of music and entertainment.

Though independent and well aware of personal interests, Aries traits proved Aries subjects to be competitive creatures who tackle life with zeal and vigor. At times, you will construe Arian approach to a project to be arrogant or domineering, but such are the qualities needed in a leader.

Here are notable Positive Aries Traits:
  • Pioneering
  • Adventurous
  • Energetic
  • Courageous
  • Enterprising
  • Confident
  • Dynamic
  • Quick-witted and
  • Freedom-loving

Negative Aries Traits include:
  • Selfish,
  • Quick-tempered,
  • Impulsive,
  • Impatient,
  • Foolhardy and
  • Undiplomatic

Likes: action, challenge, spontaneity, championing causes and coming in first

Dislikes: waiting, tyranny, failure, lack of opposition and the advice of others

The great need of Aries subjects is to exercise self-control and to discipline the qualities and tendencies of their character to the advantage...and not the detriment...of the society in which they move.

02 June 2011

Here are Complete Aries Characteristics

In Aries characteristic, you will be looking at those defining features of an Arian. Actually, Aries represent birth and new beginnings. Hence, all who fall under the jurisdiction of Aries are typically full of creative energy and enthusiasm with a great inner drive, which is expressed through action, to prove them.

The average Arian is constantly seeking experiences which give one opportunity to prove to be the best. There is little timidity to be found in Aries characteristic...like the Ram; are confident "doers" who frequently forge ahead regardless of the consequences.

Here are summary of key Aries characteristic:

  • Leadership
  • Independence
  • Joyful
  • Dynamic
  • Assertive
  • Impatient
  • Impulsive
  • Overly-emotional.
Now, let’s look at some of the key characteristics of Aries in detail:

Leadership Quality

Leaders of the pack, Aries individuals are the first in line to get things going. Whether or not everything is accomplished is another question altogether, for this Sign prefers to initiate and would rather leave the completion process to somebody else.

Blessed with personal magnetism, Aries subjects are able to rally supporters to a cause, even against seemingly insurmountable odds.


Cardinal Signs are independent, spontaneous and forceful. Being the first Sign of the Zodiac itself, Aries expresses some of the qualities of its ruling Element in the purest fashion.

It is the most entrepreneurial Sign...always generating fresh starts, new ideas and novel methods. Areas of business or the armed forces are natural arenas for Aries individuals. They are self-motivated and at their happiest when self-employed or possibly running their own departments as if they owned them. Blunt and to the point, Aries' sheer force of being can accomplish a great deal.


Natives of Aries are not afraid to take risks or gamble in order to have their way. Self-expression is paramount to the pioneering Aries and those ruled by this Sign like to see how far they can go in exploring, discovering and experimenting with the world around them.

They constantly seek to be the best at whatever they do and would rather have fame and fortune than material wealth. If their impulsive drives can be tempered, then they will accomplish much and become successful leaders.


Aries characteristic also show they are willing to sacrifice time, money and even their lives for those they love. They want to believe the best of everyone, but are not always the best judges of character.

There is also deficient capacity for self-reflection and a tendency to take ill-considered risks.


Known as "Pioneers of the Zodiac" and possessed of an inexhaustible energy, natives of Aries are always willing to try new things and break new ground. The impulsive Aries subject is often tempted to "ram" his or her ideas down the throats of others.

However, Aries impulsive behavior can sometimes lead to problems because such persons tend to leap before they look.


In business, Aries natives usually find success, provided that good choices are made and issues are faced squarely. They make excellent salesmen and their drive is invaluable in real estate, banking, insurance and other financial fields. Professionally, they are fine actors, capable lawyers, doctors and statesmen.

26 May 2011

See Symbols of Aries

The modern interpretation of symbols of Aries or Aries glyph likens it to the horns of a ram. In ancient interpretation, Symbols of Aries were depicted as the ram, head of Amun and Hunga (The Hired Hand).

The origin of the symbol...or glyph...for Aries is unknown. The symbol of the ram appeared for the first time in Ancient Egypt. It was depicted as the head of Amun, considered to be the leading deity whom all other gods followed. At that time, the head of a goose was also used to represent this Zodiac Sign, and the two symbols were often interchanged.

In the Babylonion Zodiac, Hunga (The Hired Hand) symbolized Aries. In Vedic Astrology, it is said to be symbolic of the upward flow of Spirit...as in a fountain...the universal consciousness in its creative aspect. It is also thought to be representative of a sprouting seed, from which germination results in the tree and fruit.

In its seed form, it is said to symbolize potentiality. As symbol of Aries appears to move upward then outward and finally downward, it signifies the ultimate sacrifice of Spirit in its descent into the Realms of Matter.

Also see:

Aries Lucky Number

Aries Birth Love Stone

Aries Tattoo

Aries Zodiac Pictures

18 May 2011

Detailed Aries Profile

Aries profile explains all that made up Aries Zodiac Sign. You will learn about the Season, Ruling planet, Polarity, Zodiac quality, Zodiac element and its influence on Aries individuals.

You will also be familiar with lucky gem, lucky number, lucky flower, lucky color and lucky day associated to all born under the Zodiac Sign Aries.

Let’s look at Aries profile in detail:

The Season

Aries is the First Sign of the Zodiac, the point where it begins its cycle on the Vernal Equinox. Thus, it is the herald of the Astrological New Year. Aries is related to dawn, the Season of Spring, and the beginning of life.

Influence of Spring on Aries Profile

Much like the Spirit of Spring, those born under Aries are forever looking forward, never backward. In essence, Aries governs leadership and initiative, as well as using energy to make things happen.

Ruling Planet

Aries is dominated by the planet Mars. Mars represents the ability to act, with or without forethought, and is the protective reaction to threat, coupled with a reflexive reaction toward promise and opportunity. Mars is strength, vitality and the will to conquer.

Influence of Mars on Aries profile

Physical drive, energy and aggression are basic in the planetary influence of Mars and there is no stopping those with a Mars nature...which can be brave to the point of becoming foolhardy, unless tempered by other influences. Fortunately, this can be diverted. Attainment of a goal is often so important that other purposes can be shelved. Here, there is a fighting instinct that knocks down all obstacles, whether they be small or large.

Ruling House

Aries is the natural ruler of the First House of the Zodiac, commonly referred to as the "House of Self" and known in Vedic Astrology as the "Horoskopos" or "Helm." This is the field of experience in which an individual is challenged to develop his or her own unique personality and present it to the world.

Influence of the First House of the Zodiac on Aries Profile

Traditionally, the First House is associated with self and personal appearance...how an individual wishes to appear outwardly (with regard to both physical appearance and personal style, which may or may not be consistent with the inner self).

It is associated with look, moves, gestures, body language and how a person appears to others on a superficial or "first impression" level. Essentially, it is the projection of an individual's "image."

Zodiac Quality

Aries is a Cardinal Quality Sign.

Influence of Cardinal on Aries profile

Those who fall under the jurisdiction of a Cardinal Quality are intensely active and enthusiastic in their pursuit of life's experiences. Indeed, such natives are inclined to live life at a rather rapid, action-packed pace.

Zodiac Polarity

Aries is Positive in polarity (as are Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius).

Influence of Positive Polarity on Aries Profile

The general characteristics of Positive Signs broadly match those for the extrovert personality and such individuals are naturally more impulsive, buoyant, communicative and sociable than are the Zodiac Signs of Negative polarity (Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces).

Lucky number

The lucky number for Aries is nine (also known as the Novena). It is a number which Aries shares with those individuals born under the Sign of Scorpio. Nine is one of the three mystical numbers (the others being three and five), representing society and completion as well as symbolizing mankind, philanthropy, charity, social issues and government.

Lucky flower

The lucky flower for Aries is the geranium, the common name for some members of the Geraniaceae, a family of herbs and small shrubs native to temperate and subtropical regions. Wild geraniums are often referred to as crane's-bill or heron's-bill, due to the shape of their fruit.

Indoor geraniums and those found in florist shops are varieties of another group usually called stork's-bill. Geraniums are cultivated not only as an ornamental flower but alos for the aromatic oils extracted from their foliage and blossoms which are put to use in flavorings and perfumes. Its fragrance is similar to the scent of a rose, but less subtle. The name of this flower is derived from the Greek geranos, which means "crane."

Lucky color

The lucky color for Aries is crimson or deep red. It has a stimulating effect, but should be used with caution, otherwise it is irritating to the eye. If a person ever feels "off color," then he or she will find that they cannot bear to wear red. It also should not be worn when trying to patch up a quarrel or at any time when tact or compromise is required.

Other Favorable Colors: Pink - Orange - White - Yellow - Royal Blue - Navy Blue - Bright Brown - Variegated Colors

Unfavorable Colors: Green - Grey - Faded Colors

Lucky gem

The lucky gemstone of an individual is truly associated with the month of birth rather than the Zodiac Sign under which a person was born.

The lucky gem for Aries individuals born in March is the bloodstone.

The bloodstone, an opaque green jewel with flecks of red (resulting from iron oxides), has been called the Stone of Courage, Vitality and Iron-Clad Strength, aiding an individual to focus on the energy of the heart.

The lucky gem for Aries individuals born in April is the diamond.

Traditionally, this jewel is the symbol of purity and innocence, considered to be most lucky when worn on the left side of the body. It represents strength, virtue, bravery, fearlessness, invincibility and insight, bestowing these fine attributes upon its wearers.

Lucky day

The lucky day for those who fall under the jurisdiction of Aries is Tuesday. The origin of this day derives from Norse Mythology and Tiw or Tyr, God of War.

FLOWERS/HERBS: Allspice, Cactus, Dragon's Blood, Pepper, Betony, Blackberry, Bramble, Cowslip, Garlic, Gorse,Hops, Lichen, Lupine, Mustard, Nasturium, Nettles, Onion, Radish,Rosemary, Thistle, Thyme, Wake-Robin, Wild Rose and Woodbine

OILS: Black Pepper, Cloves, Frankincense, Ginger, Pennyroyal, Pine, Basil and Cinnamon

GEMSTONES: Ruby, Garnet, Amethyst and Topaz

ANIMALS: Ram, Tiger, Leopard and Stallion

TREES: Holly, Thorn and Chestnut

BIRDS: Magpie, Robin and Vulture


Also See

Aries Personalities

Physical Characteristics of Aries

Bad Side of Aries

Aries Lucky Number

Aries Career and Finances

Aries Traits

Aries Characteristics

28 April 2011

Facts about Aries Man and Libra Woman Union

Looking at Aries man and Libra woman union, I will say; Aries man and Libra woman affairs usually results in a magnificent match. 

Yes! Mars and Venus combine splendidly as each is one side of the love relationship coin.

Mars is associated with the passion of romance while Venus is associated with the beauty of romance. The harmony resulting from a combination of Mars and Venus can bring balance between self and other...a wonderful learning experience for Libra woman and Aries male.

Here are various points you need to look in Aries man and Libra woman union:

  • Each is capable of bringing to the relationship what the other is missing and can make for a truly magnificent balance. However, this state of affairs will not last long since the inherent Libra woman love of romance and tendency to wander will soon put Aries male in a combatant mood which, in turn, disgusts the harmony-loving Libra woman.
  • Aries man Libra woman relationship is one the attraction is common, but not one that is necessarily long lasting. These are two very different characters with widely varying personalities.
  • Aries male is impulsive, excitable and eager to engage in new and exciting ventures. Libra woman is indecisive, peace-loving and prefers an approach which is calm and smooth.
  • Both Aries and Libra are Cardinal in quality. Hence, each partner here has much initiative, but is sadly lacking in follow-through abilities. They will tend to start things they are never going to finish...be it a job, project or relationship.

28 March 2011

See What To Wear For An Aries Man

Sophistication and pure elegance come to mind when looking for what to wear for an Aries man. The key point is to look as serene as the ocean in which ever wears you choose.

Your earrings and clutch should compliment your outfit. Clever reaching designs can help accommodate your figure beautifully. Your hair should also be well-styled to show off your face.

Moreover, when looking for what to wear for an Aries man, you should be mindful of the colors you choose. Here are the most acceptable colors you can wear for an Aries man:

Red Dresses

Fiery fierce and fabulous red dresses gets serious points in minds of Aries man. It makes you look even more regal danger……clearly taking no prisoner.

Lime Green Dresses

Lime green satin dress is beautiful enough to turn an Aries man green with envy. Simplistic….yet stylish approach makes you look even more endearing to your Aries man.

Black and White Dresses

You can wear a redefined classic black and white style with geometrically placed prints. Clinched at the waist with a black cord and paired with purple open toe shoe as-well-as a purple clutch. The truth is; an Aries man understands the look of royalty.

Playing up your best Assets

You really have to consider playing up your best Assets when searching for what to wear for an Aries man. Whether the focus is on your sculpted arms, killer legs or perfect skin, here are tips on how to hide your body flaws and accentuate your assets:

Sizable Buttock

Don’t hide an ample behind clumsy skirts. Show it off! You can look super fashionable in a sexy jumpsuit….Aries men appreciates a versatile shift dress; the all-in-one is universally flattering and effortlessly chic. A slinky jersey fabric will slide over the body and show off a womanly shape while cleaver draping adds to the overall loveliness.

Lovely long Legs

Boy shorts and micro mini are the way to go if you have perfect pins. Get those lovely legs ready for action by treating yourself to a professional leg wax.

Simply add a pair of vertiginous heels to make legs look even longer….and walk tall to your Aries man.
Sexy Shoulders

Grecian dresses are the perfect way to show a bit flesh, and still look classy. Actually

In essence, knowing what to wear for an Aries man will make him truly captivated….. And invest more in romantic overtures.

Visit: What To Wear For an Aries Man main page

Also look at:

Seducing an Aries Man

How to keep an Aries man interested

What turns on an Aries man

How to win the heart of an Aries man

Type of women Aries men like

How to attract an Aries man

02 February 2011

See What Turns On an Aries Man

What turns on an Aries man is mostly your compliments. He love compliments more then most other astrology signs of the zodiac. Compliment him physically and mentally! He likes conversation about intellectual topics. Engage him in a lively discussion, or a friendly debate.

Let him know that you love his zest for life and that you find him intriguing.

If you are looking for what turns on an Aries man sexually, the answer is the head. The head is Aries' most powerful erogenous zone. Stroking his hair and rubbing his scalp will make him feel relaxed and heighten his sensations.

Nibble the ear; he will not be able to resist this. He will get uncontrollable urges and you will soon be all his!

Here are other things that turn on an Aries Man:

  • You can turn on an Aries man by surprising him with a most adventurous and physical work-out. Remember for him, sex is a physical work-out too. Don’t hold back sexually, because for Aries man sex and love often are one.
  • You can also turn on an Aries by asking him about his achievements. Stimulate him. You should profoundly believe in his ability to succeed in everything he does.
  • He loves the challenge and the stimulation of good, intelligent conversation. Ask him for advice; let him know that you look up to him. Do not be a push over; do not keep your opinions to yourself because Aries man will quickly get bored if you agree with everything he says.
  • Remember, this man is all about the thrill of the chase. Do not however, act as if you don't care about him. He needs you to be "swept off your feet" by him. Appear innocent- hard-to-get and he will be wrapped around your little finger.
In essence, I will say what turns on an Aries man centers on your personality. You may be direct, rude, provocative and blunt. Just don’t be pushy and do keep some (physical) distance. Always try to challenge him. If you surrender, you will no longer be a challenge and you will lose your Aries lover!

Visit: How To Get an Aries Man main web page

28 January 2011

This is How to Attract an Aries Man

How to attract an Aries man is mostly through display of affection…..for he is mostly attracted to overdone displays of affection. However, he will love to do the initial chasing and while not usually attracted to being chased.

There is a tendency here toward jealousy and possessiveness, but you will need to avoid showing the same qualities since any form of clinging is sure to drive this man in search of fresh pastures.

Remember, when it comes to love; just the idea of it causes his heart to quicken. Aries man love to flirt and he love the conquest but if his prey is too willing he is often bored because he really enjoys the chase as much as the conquest.

Aries men always love to win at everything and if the object of his desire gives up the challenge too soon it could stop the Aries fast in their tracks.

These are souls normally regarded as being rather combative and will relish a challenge or dare. However, it must be remembered that they only enjoy those contests and battles in which they win or are relatively certain that the odds are stacked in their favor.

If they suspect that any challenger is more expert than they are, then no contest will take place. They will simply not find the time or make up another excuse, but will never admit the real reason for the decline....that they are afraid they might lose.

Attracted by beauty and apparent helplessness, the Aries man needs a mate who will be content to play second fiddle, remaining in the background where due admiration can be paid to this male's prowess and ability. In short, the Aries man expects adoration from you.

In essence, how to attract an Aries man……and subsequently achieve romantic success with this man is:

•Be outgoing
•Be independent
•Possess a sense of adventure and keep just that little bit ahead of him.

Visit: Aries Man Personality main web page

Things You Need To Know About Aries Man In Relationships

One thing you can observe about an Aries man in relationships is he usually assumes the role of a motivator. Again, Aries man often demands perfection in his relationship with you.

He expects a high moral standard from loved ones, regardless of his private irregularities, which may be manifested in the form of an isolated adventurous fling.

Aries man will always want to be the center of his loved one's attention and probably take it for granted that he is.

Here are various things you need to know about Aries man in relationships:

Usually Impatience

Aries man usually find any sort of delay or postponement almost impossible to bear in relationships...at the very least, he is averse to waiting. Thus, a partner must always timely follow through with whatever is promised and never stand too firmly in the way of this man as he moves headlong through life.

Likes to be waited on hand and foot

Indeed, Aries man likes to be waited on hand and foot in relationships….and in return, is ready and willing to fight for the best for his partner. It will be important for you to give the Aries man plenty of reasons to be proud of what you accomplish.

Things he expects to be done should be done quickly and well, particularly if they add to his prestige.

Demands Faithfulness

You must remember it is part and parcel of the Aries man nature to express feelings of love exceedingly well. However, it is also in the his nature to express grievances with equal ability and if the one who causes the upset does not change the situation or attitude, then much anger and criticism will be the result.

If any partner find it impossible to keep up with this man and his endless energy or if he believes the relationship is not working, then he is likely to end the affair rather quickly, anxious to start another without looking back

Intense Romance

Somewhat physically demanding in arena of romance, Aries man will look elsewhere if not gratified in any relationship. In most cases, when it comes to long term relationships, Aries man rarely meets a partner who truly understands his temperament.

The romantic nature here tends to be very intense, with this man craving sympathy and affection more than anything else...but he is a more affectionate soul than ones who are passionate.

In essence, by being more tolerating, Aries man can find greater happiness. It will also be necessary for this man to share the power in a relationship, remembering to ask advice, to discuss and to consult. All too often, Aries individuals forget to do this and are later surprised when any resentment arises.

Actually, my understanding of an Aries man’s relationship is no substitution devotion will satisfy this man, but a partner can gain his everlasting faithfulness if there is physical harmony.

Visit: Aries Man Relationships main web page

Here are Facts about Aries Man in Love

Important things I do know about an Aries man in love is he is exciting, dynamic, creative…..and never dull! He enjoys the chase as much as the catch. He is likely to fall in love easily and will give all of him at the moment, but will never be the "hopeless romantic."

The fact is, Aries man will undoubtedly be a rash and impetuous individual, impulsive in love affairs...as he is with everything.

He expects adoration from his partner. Being inherently dominant, he often seeks out someone of a weaker nature...someone he can impress and protect with his so very masculine qualities. - Anonymous

Here are notable aspects of an Aries man in love:

Adventurous and active

Aries man in love possesses strong willpower and can be overly-generous with his time, money and possessions...while, at other times he can be incredibly intolerant, selfish and demanding. In order to be happily in love with an Aries man, it will be necessary to allow him to believe that he is "lord and master."

Domineering tendency

Attracted by beauty and apparent helplessness, this man needs a mate who will be content to play second fiddle, remaining in the background where due admiration can be paid to this male's prowess and ability.

It will be important not to command or quarrel with Aries man in order to make him recognize his own shortcomings...it is best to appeal to his sympathetic and better judgment.

Demands Physical intimacy

Fulfillment is very important to Aries man in terms of physical intimacy. Energetic and adventurous, the romantic enthusiasm of this man is contagious. However, he can be rather selfish and need a partner who is capable of dealing with their quick temper.

Here, a mate must be prepared to give more than she receives since this man tends to believe he rule the world. He is also apt to indulge in displays of childish tantrums, which must be ignored...firmly but politely...until the situation has been given time to cool down.

Display of Jealousy tantrum

Perhaps the greatest weakness of an Aries man in love is the tendency to cross-examine and ask too many questions. Although he is not normally in the habit of mincing his words, it will be necessary to employ tact or even keep silent if things get out of hand.

Romantic Style

•Lustful –
•Prone To Roughness
•Often Selfish

Understanding an Aries Man

Understanding an Aries man involves understanding his real personality. Aries man like all men, fall between being very shy or introverted to very dramatic or extroverted. So naturally the more immature, extroverted Aries man is going to be the king of selfishness with fat ego.

But even with those quiet and more mature Aries men you will see a streak of wanting to be left alone so they can do their own thing, no matter how subtle or charming their personality may be.

Now, let’s look at detailed ways of understanding an Aries man:

Understanding an Aries Man Personality

Aries man is ambitious, hardworking and successful. Perhaps this man's most irritating fault is contradiction. He possesses much knowledge and heaven help the individual who gets his or her facts wrong. The man ruled by Aries plans for the future with a view toward an exciting and progressive life.

He adores fun and can be utterly charming. Flattery works well with this man because he can take a virtually infinite amount...provided he does not suspect it is a line.

Understanding an Aries Man Relationship with friends and Lovers

Although romantic at heart, my understanding of an Aries man is there is sometimes difficulties pleasing this man, but he is constant and true by nature. As a sweetheart, he will almost certainly want to be the center of his loved one's attention and probably take it for granted that he is.

His romantic mental picture often demands perfection. Conventional in thought, this man expects a high moral standard from loved ones, regardless of his own private irregularities, which may be manifested in the form of an isolated adventurous fling.

Understanding an Aries Man Romantic Style

Ardent, proud and brimming with personality, this man is likely to remain a romantic soul throughout his entire life. He does possess a rather voracious appetite in that regard, which he refuses to sublimate. At home, the man governed by this Sign likes to be waited on hand-and-foot but in return, he is ready and willing to fight for the best for his loved ones.

Generally, he is an ideal companion in a general way, however, he knows little of the more exalted phases of domestic affection.

Understanding an Aries Man professional life

A distinguished and desirable soul, the Aries man is somewhat fussy by nature and rather exacting in his dealings with others. Generally, Aries men excel as explorers...of new ideas, as well as of unchartered territory.

They make for awkward subordinates and are poor followers, frequently unwilling to obey or submit to directions for which they can see no reason, or with which they disagree.

Mentally, Aries men are intellectual and objective although, in rare instances, they can become bigoted and extremist. They are quick-witted but sometimes foolhardy and over-optimistic, lacking thoroughness and the ability to evaluate difficulties regarding the undertakings into which they often rush impulsively.

02 September 2010

The Truth About Aries Lover

An Aries lover is driven, powerful and akin to a feat of showmanship….especially when this individual is truly captivated. I mean….this Sign is by nature the show-off of the Zodiac and performance in the bedroom is no exception. Aries subjects will be dramatic, captivating and sure to get your undivided attention.

You can even observe that sometimes it almost appears as though Aries partner want to defeat you instead of love you. Romantically enthusiastic and adventurous, Aries natives will always want to push physical pleasure to new plateaus and you can occasionally be overwhelmed by such a spirited approach.

The romantic nature here tends to be very intense, with both the males and females craving sympathy and affection more than anything else...but these are more affectionate souls than ones who are passionate.

But, I must tell you…..when it comes to long term commitments, Aries individuals rarely meet partners who truly understand their temperament. Here are few things you need to know about your Aries lover:

  • The more appreciated these natives feel, then the more they will invest in their romantic overtures. Much pampering and an abundance of attention will be needed with an Aries sweetheart, since this is a soul who thrives on feeling that he or she is number one in the life of a loved one.
  • Those ruled by Aries will do the initial chasing and while not usually attracted to being chased themselves, will happily accept overdone displays of affection one their hearts have been given.
  • There is a tendency here toward jealousy and possessiveness, but a potential partner will need to avoid showing the same qualities since any form of clinging is sure to drive the Aries individual in search of fresh pastures.
  • Despite the passionate nature and gift for loving deeply, Aries natives seldom wear their hearts on their sleeves. Indeed, they may not be good at expressing their love in words...but they do relish hearing such endearments from their loved ones and can listen to declarations of undying affection and everlasting fidelity with the utmost appreciation.
Still, beneath all the Aries bravado and show actually lurks a somewhat innocent child who simply wants to explore the wonderful world and be appreciated. Although these persons are ideal companions in a general way, they know little of the more exalted phases of domestic affection.

Perhaps the greatest weakness of an Aries lover is the tendency to cross-examine and ask too many questions.