12 June 2011

See Aries Lucky Number

Aries lucky number is nine. It is a number which Aries shares with those individuals born under the Sign of Scorpio. Nine has connections with Mars, the ruling planet of Aries and former ruling planet of Scorpio (which is now governed by Pluto).

Nine is one of the three mystical numbers (the others being three and five), representing society and completion as well as symbolizing mankind, philanthropy, charity, social issues and government.

Here are other mystical qualities of Aries lucky number nine:
  • Nine is representative of universal love, giving and the brotherhood of man, as well as neighborhood, clubs, organizations, institutions and the common good. It is the completion of a cycle, symbolic of change and reform...the end prior to a new beginning.
  • Nine is a number which is unbounded...the most Holy number, being the ultimate number which contains the forces of all other numbers. It lends itself to creative living and intuition.
  • Being eternal within its self; nine leads back to the solitary root forces...the number one. It is the highest single digit and most interesting figure in numerology.
  • It is the number of the circumference, represented by the two triangles which are a symbol of male-fire-mountain and female-water-cave principles.
  • The Hebrews referred to the number nine as representing immutable truth and the Ennead (or nine-pointed star) is an ancient and sacred symbol, comprising three trinities. Nine is also the number of the mythic Lords of Time and represented the original Mayan galactic masters, thus being the magic number of the Maya civilization.
  • There are also Nine Orders of Angels, Nine Rivers of Hell, Nine Gifts of the Spirit and Nine Points of the Law, as well as being the number of known astronomical planets. In the "I Ching," nine is the number of Yang. This number represents all things earthly and nocturnal.
The fact is; nine is masculine in nature, and when associated with Aries, resides in the First House of Self, governing outward behavior and self-interests. Nine is selflessness and compassion, encompassing a love for all.

Also look at:

Aries Career and Finances

Bad side of Aries

Symbols of Aries

Aries Sexual Horoscope

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