Showing posts with label Aries Cusp. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aries Cusp. Show all posts

24 July 2011

Traits of people at Aries Taurus cusp

April 19 to April 26

Brief traits of people at Aries Taurus cusps include;

-- Possess the fiery forwardness and willfulness inherent in Aries --
-- Possess the practicality, endurance and nurturing inherent in Taurus --
-- Has a markedly dominant personality --
-- Becomes very uncomfortable if forced to submit to the control of another --
-- Highly strategic in thought and action --
-- In no hurry to see results --
-- Expert in thorough and painstaking preparation --
-- Reluctant to allow things to happen as they will --
-- Somewhat insensitive to the feelings of others –

Traits of people at Aries Taurus cusp can be both constructive and destructive. The constructive side of this blend displays a harnessing of energy to support and promote domestic existence.

The "down" side of this cusp demonstrates itself in burnout. The practical aspects of creating life here on Earth can stifle or even obliterate the inspiration inherent in this combination. The self-esteem found in this cusp combination is exceeded only by the urge for self-gratification, which will invariably make its subjects unreasonable and overbearing unless self-control is developed.

Actually, the inherent traits of people at Aries Taurus cusp are somewhat headstrong and often quite violent. These are generous individuals who are broad and extremely practical in their ways, but their natures are so dominant that they frequently find it rather difficult to work well under others.

Liberally endowed with originality and executive ability, the possibilities that lie within the paths of these cuspians truly is quite wonderful. They are strong, very confident and exceedingly determined souls who possess unlimited faith in their own knowledge.

These are individuals who constantly and freely give advice to those around them...relatives or friends. There is also a strong magnetic personality here which makes these natives very persuasive, so much so that the advice given is often difficult to decline or resist. Yet, at the same time, they themselves are among the last to accept advice from others.

Indeed, people at Aries Taurus cusps might well be considered strong-headed and persistent in their undertakings, often utterly heedless of any form of advisement regardless of how great the expense involved or how deep and true the knowledge of those who would offer well-intended suggestions and gentle criticisms.

These cuspians possess excellent taste in all things and absolutely delight in the pleasures of food. They also find much enjoyment in displaying evidence of their thoughtfulness to friends by way of gifts and throwing dinner parties, etc. There is also immense fondness here for children.

Above all, they have a superb sense of timing and the talent to know when and when not to act. At an initial meeting, these cuspians frequently impress others as being quiet and self-assured...people who know how to watch and wait.

Indeed, people at Aries Taurus cusp make for formidable enemies and capable work colleagues. Their approach to work is highly professional and those involved in any relationship with these cuspians will need to understand that a career will always be at least as important. Others can benefit tremendously from an association with Aries/Taurus natives for they emit a powerful presence and sense of capability.

Aries Taurus cusps are generous characters...but on their own terms. They have persistence traits to give only when it suits them and are equally capable of taking back not only their gifts but also their affection. However, this is rarely done out of capriciousness or malice but because they feel their gifts have gone unappreciated or were undeserved.

Love appears to have an undeniable softening effect upon these cuspians. Although they may take and discard partners when it pleases them, they really do fare best upon a steady stream of love from one special person...particularly when such love is accompanied by unconditional giving on their part. Indeed, this may well be the closest an Aries/Taurus cuspian will ever come to true selflessness.

With regard to relationships, people at Aries Taurus cusps are always able to make their presence felt in their interactions with others regardless of the circumstances. These are big people, capable of prodigious mistakes as well as sparkling success and they usually leave little doubt about where they stand. These are individuals who tend to choose rather than be chosen and once the sights have been fixed upon a partner, the matter is usually settled.

Visit: Aries Taurus Cusp Main Page

Also look at:

Personalities of Aries Taurus Cusp

Aries Taurus Cusp Love Relationship

All about Aries Cusp

20 July 2011

See All about Pisces Aries Cusp Combination

March 20 to March 27

Pisces Aries cusp combination, also known as the Cusp of Rebirth, corresponds symbolically to the beginning of human life. This is a most favorable and desirable cusp, indicative of a union between intelligence and understanding.

In essence, these cuspians are likely to possess strong mental powers coupled with the priceless gift of comprehension.

Here are brief personalities of all born under Pisces Aries Cusp:

• Possess the dreaminess, active fantasy, quietude and sensitivity inherent in Pisces

• Possess the uncomplicated and fiery forwardness inherent in Aries --

• Unusually direct in approach to life

• Outspoken...which can be both admired and misunderstood

• Refusal to be denied

• Personal belief that they can do no wrong

• Generally will not change for other people

• Both "dreamers" and "doers"

• Resent being analyzed

• Short on patience

• Extremely impetuous

The natural sensitivity of the Pisces Aries cusp combination makes for one of the most understanding characters of the Zodiac. There is the ability here to reach out to others more skillfully than most other cusp combinations and these natives find much satisfaction in aiding those around them to achieve full potential.

Temperament fluctuates with this cusp and is often volatile. A deep understanding of innermost motives and feelings is essential to those born of this blend in order for them to maintain any kind of relationship.

The most important lesson to be learned by the Pisces/Aries native is the benefit of patience and every effort should be made to curb the impetuous side of this subject's nature.

With regard to relationships, individuals born of this blend are rarely led away by their passions. Indeed neither the males nor the females are particularly sensual. However, they are clean-minded and generally of admirable normal character, as well as being playful, devoted and somewhat romantic. Pisces Aries cusp can be faithful partners, although the faithfulness may be more emotional than literal.


As with all cusp individuals, Pisces Aries cusp natives tend to be attracted to others born on the cusp...particularly those who fall within the Libra/Scorpio and Taurus/Gemini combinationsion

Visit: Pisces Aries Cusp Main Page

Also look at:

All about Aries Cusp

Traits of people at Aries Taurus Cusp

Personalities of Aries Taurus cusp

16 July 2011

Facts About Aries – The Cusps

In astrology, we define the “cusps” as a border between two astrological star signs. Hence, Persons born "on the line" between two Zodiac Signs partake of qualities found in both Signs or, more strictly speaking, have a blend of traits that may compose an individual nature.

Due to variations in astrological calendars, this may became apparent during the last few days of a departing Sign, but the "cusp" (as it is termed) pertains chiefly to the first week of the incoming Sign.

While the new Sign is gaining its ascendancy, the influences of the old will persist but gradually loses its hold day-by-day until, by the seventh day; the new Sign is in complete control.

Here are two notable Cusps associated to Aries:

• Pisces – Aries Cusps

• Aries – Taurus Cusps

Let’s briefly look at each of the cusps associated to Aries:

Pisces – Aries Cusps
March 20 to March 27

This is a most favorable and desirable cusp, indicative of a union between intelligence and understanding. In essence, these cuspians are likely to possess strong mental powers coupled with the priceless gift of comprehension. The chief characteristics of this blend are vigilance and caution...each step carefully weighed prior to being taken.

The power of intuition inherent in these natives is truly quite remarkable and they rarely go amiss when they rely upon their own judgment as formulated by their intuition. There is an extremely keen and valuable foresight here in all matters of a financial nature and these subjects will work out in advance the most brilliant of schemes and projects which are then executed with total success.

Notable Pisces/Aries Cuspians Include:

Wyatt Earp; Glenn Close; Spike Lee; Johann Sebastian Bach; Fanny Farmer; William Shatner; Chaka Khan; Steve McQueen; and Joan Crawford

Aries – Taurus Cusps
April 19 to April 26

Individuals born on the cusp of Aries (the first Sign of the Zodiac) and Taurus (the second Sign of the Zodiac) are ruled by both Mars and Venus. Intrinsic in this combination is the aesthetic romantic love typified by the Planet Venus and the passionate, action-orientation afforded by the Planet Mars.

Such natives must feel deeply the focal point of their life and pursue it boldly. This cusp complements actors, actresses, fashion designers and dancers, who feel that the beauty and drama of life springs forth from the deepest urges of creation.

Notable Aries/Taurus Cuspians Include:

Catherine the Great; Vladimir Lenin; William Shakespeare; Catherine de Medici; and Barbara Streisand

See: Aries Cusp main page

Also look at:

Personalities of Aries Taurus Cusp

Aries Taurus Cusp Love Relationship

Pisces Aries Cusp